Software Scan
The President's Column
What's new with the controversial Digital Millennium
Copyright Act? In this month's Scanning IP section
I discuss the exemptions to the DMCA that Congress just approved.
Want to know more about yours truly? In this month's Scanning
Bob section I talk about me, me, me, and me.
Send me your comments and critiques. I'm always interested
in hearing from you.
President, SAFE Corporation
Scanning IP
The DMCA Exemptions
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has been praised by some,
vilified by others. Many don't know that the DMCA specifically allows
copying of protected works by researchers, libraries, nonprofits,
and academic institutions. Also, the Librarian of Congress is required
to issue exemptions from the prohibition against circumvention of
access-control technology when such technology prevents people from
making non-infringing uses of copyrighted works. The current exemptions,
issued just last week are described below. Note that all of these
allowable uses assume that the person copying the work has purchased
the work or has otherwise rightfully obtained it.
- To copy short portions of movie DVDs for the purpose of criticism
or comment, specifically:
- Educational uses
- Documentary filmmaking
- Noncommercial videos
- To enable computer programs that allow cell phones to run software
applications written for other cell phones (known as "jailbreaking"
or "rooting").
- To enable computer programs that allow used cell phones to
connect to a phone network as long as it is authorized by the
operator of the network.
- To run video games on personal computers for the purpose of
testing for, investigating, or correcting security flaws or vulnerabilities.
- To bypass broken or obsolete dongles that prevent a program
from running.
- To enable an ebook's read-aloud function or screen readers
that convert the text into a specialized format.
Advanced Tools to Detect Software Plagiarism and IP Theft
A sophisticated set of tools for analyzing software source code
and object code including:
Check binary object code for plagiarism.
Measure software IP changes between versions of a program.
Cross check source code for plagiarism.
Compare source code to find differences and measure changes.
The premiere tool for pinpointing copying.
Scour the Internet for plagiarized code.
Turbo charge your analysis on a supercomputer grid.
Get Smart
SAFE offers training at our facility or yours or on the Web. Contact
us to make arrangements:
MCLE credit
in software IP
Your New Office
Remember that you can now have your own secure office at the SAFE
facility for storing proprietary software, running CodeSuite, analyzing
the results, and getting onsite support. We're located at
20863 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Suite 456
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 517-1167