Software Scan
The President's Column
What goes on in the mind of a white collar criminal?
Why does a successful lawyer cheat clients out of millions of dollars?
Maybe some clue is in this month's Scanning IP section
where I discuss Marc Dreier, former partner at Dreier Stein and
Kahan and now an inmate at the Federal Correction Institute in Sandstone,
Have a really big code comparison job? We've just
released CodeSuite-MP, a multiprocessing version of CodeSuite that
I discuss in this month's Scanning Tools section.
Send me your comments and critiques. I'm always interested
in hearing from you.
President, SAFE Corporation
Scanning IP
Marc Dreier's Story
Marc Dreier was the founding partner of the New York law firm Dreier
Stein and Kahan. At its peak in 2009 the firm was reportedly bringing
in about $100 million in revenue. You might have heard of Marc Dreier
if he had not been overshadowed by Bernie Madoff. But Dreier ran
his own Ponzi scheme, cheating clients out of "only" $400
million. Prosecutors asked for a sentence of 145 years. Defense
attorney requested a 20 year sentence. He got the shorter sentence.
Maybe you've wondered, like I have, what's going through the minds
of these people. Do they think they won't get caught? Do they not
care? Maybe they figure they'll live it up while they can? Dreier's
letter to the judge in the case, prior to sentencing (downloadable
might give some insight into Dreier's state of mind. Some say this
was just a way to get sympathy from the court (in which case it
appears to have worked). To me it seems sincere. It definitely doesn't
excuse Dreier's behavior, but it does possibly explain how such
a successful man could end up in his situation and what was going
on in his mind.
Advanced Tools to Detect Software Plagiarism and IP Theft
A sophisticated set of tools for analyzing software source code
and object code including:
Check binary object code for plagiarism.
Measure software IP changes between versions of a program.
Cross check source code for plagiarism.
Compare source code to find differences and measure changes.
The premiere tool for pinpointing copying.
Scour the Internet for plagiarized code.
Turbo charge your analysis on a supercomputer grid.
Get Smart
SAFE offers training at our facility or yours or on the Web. Contact
us to make arrangements:
MCLE credit
in software IP
Your New Office
Remember that you can now have your own secure office at the SAFE
facility for storing proprietary software, running CodeSuite, analyzing
the results, and getting onsite support. We're located at
20863 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Suite 456
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 517-1167