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October 2014


Software Scan

The President's Column

You're invited to hear a webinar panel discussion entitled Patents, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A discussion of the role of patents in your company. The speakers are Jon Cabeca, Director of the Silicon Valley USPTO, Laura Lee Norris, Director of the Entrepreneurs' Law Clinic at Santa Clara University School of Law, and me, President of Zeidman Consulting, provider of reverse engineering, analysis, and expert witness services for intellectual property litigation. It should be interesting. See how to sign up in the Scanning IP section of this newsletter.

Send me your comments and critiques. I'm always interested in hearing from you.


Bob Zeidman
President, SAFE Corporation

Scanning IP

Patents, Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
A discussion of the role of patents in your company

Zeidman Consulting, Royse Law Firm, and the Santa Clara Law School Entrepreneur's Law Clinic invite you to a free webinar on the usefulness of patents to your startup company.  Join our distinguished group of panelists, including:


Jon Cabeca,  Director of the Silicon Valley USPTO


Laura Lee Norris, Director, Entrepreneurs' Law Clinic, Santa Clara University School of Law


Bob Zeidman, President, Zeidman Consulting

They will discuss the usefulness of patents to your startup.  How does the patent system work? How can you use it to protect your company's intellectual property and safeguard your technology? How valuable are patents and how does your company enforce them (or defend against patent rights)? Our panel will discuss these and other cutting edge issues dealing with the patent process and how your company can maximize value.



Patents, Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

A discussion of the role of patents in your company

Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Time:  10 AM PST

Advanced Tools to Detect Plagiarism and IP Theft

CodeSuite® & CodeSuite-LT®
Sophisticated sets of tools for analyzing software source code and object code including:

Check binary object code for plagiarism.

Measure software IP changes between versions of a program.

Cross check source code for plagiarism.

Compare source code to find differences and measure changes.

The premiere tool for pinpointing copied source code.

Scour the Internet for plagiarized code.

Speed up your analysis on a multiprocessor system.

Turbo charge your analysis on a supercomputer grid.

HTML Preprocessor
Divide HTML pages into their basic elements for easier analysis.

Find signs of copying in any document.

Get Smart

SAFE offers training at our facility or yours or on the Web. Contact us to make arrangements:

MCLE credit in software IP

CodeSuite certification

Your New Office

Remember that you can have your own secure office at the SAFE facility for storing proprietary software, running CodeSuite, analyzing the results, and getting onsite support. We're located at

20863 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Suite 456
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 517-1167


This newsletter is not legal advice. Views expressed herein should be checked for accuracy and current applicability.
Copyright 2014 Software Analysis & Forensic Engineering Corporation