S.A.F.E Patents for Sale
Software Analysis and Forensic Engineering has just
hired Ocean Tomo, the prestigious patent brokerage
company, to offer its patents for sale at auction. You can
find the descriptions and bidding instructions
These patents have been implemented in CodeSuiteĀ® and
other tools at SAFE Corporation. These tools are
considered the de facto standard in litigation for
efficiently and rigorously detecting copyright
infringement of computer code, even when that code has
been modified or disguised.
Portfolio Summary:
These patents implement tools for comparing files to find
similarities. They were originally used to detect
copyright infringement of computer program code files, but
they are applicable to efficiently finding similarities
and detecting copying of other kinds of digitally
represented works.
Problem Addressed:
While the patents are specifically directed to detecting
copying and plagiarism of computer code, they also read on
other things like search engines, language translators,
malware detection, copyright infringement detection of
music and pictures, biometric recognition (e.g.
fingerprints and faces), and general pattern recognition.
Novelty: These
patents describe efficient ways of comparing sets of data
with a low probability of false negatives. This means that
the inventions are critical when similarities must be
found despite degradation or modification of the data.
Relevant Industries:
These patents are of interest to companies involved with
plagiarism detection, search engines, language
translation, malware detection, copyright infringement
detection, biometric recognition (e.g. fingerprints and
faces), video recognition, audio recognition, and general
pattern recognition.