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JUNE 2020


Software Scan

The President's Column

In the Scanning IP section you can read how S.A.F.E is offering its patents for sale via patent brokerage Ocean Tomo. To be clear, the company is going strong, but we feel that the IP is applicable to other companies and industries.

Send me your comments and critiques. I'm always interested in hearing from you.


Bob Zeidman
President, SAFE Corporation

Scanning IP

S.A.F.E Patents for Sale

Software Analysis and Forensic Engineering has just hired Ocean Tomo, the prestigious patent brokerage company, to offer its patents for sale at auction. You can find the descriptions and bidding instructions here.

These patents have been implemented in CodeSuiteĀ® and other tools at SAFE Corporation. These tools are considered the de facto standard in litigation for efficiently and rigorously detecting copyright infringement of computer code, even when that code has been modified or disguised.

Portfolio Summary: These patents implement tools for comparing files to find similarities. They were originally used to detect copyright infringement of computer program code files, but they are applicable to efficiently finding similarities and detecting copying of other kinds of digitally represented works.

Problem Addressed: While the patents are specifically directed to detecting copying and plagiarism of computer code, they also read on other things like search engines, language translators, malware detection, copyright infringement detection of music and pictures, biometric recognition (e.g. fingerprints and faces), and general pattern recognition.

Novelty: These patents describe efficient ways of comparing sets of data with a low probability of false negatives. This means that the inventions are critical when similarities must be found despite degradation or modification of the data.

Relevant Industries: These patents are of interest to companies involved with plagiarism detection, search engines, language translation, malware detection, copyright infringement detection, biometric recognition (e.g. fingerprints and faces), video recognition, audio recognition, and general pattern recognition. 

Advanced Tools to Detect Plagiarism and IP Theft

Sophisticated sets of tools for analyzing software source code and object code including:

Check binary object code for plagiarism.

Measure software IP changes between versions of a program.

Cross check source code for plagiarism.

Compare source code to find differences and measure changes.

The premiere tool for pinpointing copied source code.

Divide code into its basic elements for further analysis.

Scour the Internet for plagiarized code.

Speed up your analysis on a multiprocessor system.

Turbo charge your analysis on a supercomputer grid.

HTML Preprocessor
Divide HTML pages into their basic elements for easier analysis.

Find signs of copying in any document.

Get Smart

SAFE offers training at our facility or yours or on the Web. Contact us to make arrangements:

MCLE credit in software IP

CodeSuite certification


This newsletter is not legal advice. Views expressed herein should be checked for accuracy and current applicability.
Copyright 2020 Software Analysis & Forensic Engineering Corporation