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SAFE Corporation Announces New Plagiarism Detection Tool

Full version is for lawyers, experts, and researchers; LT version is for authors and other occasional users

CUPERTINO, CA (March 24, 2011) - Software Analysis & Forensic Engineering Corporation, the leading provider of software tools for detection of software copyright infringement and trade secret theft, today announced the release of a new tool for comparing all kinds of documents to find plagiarism.

"Our unique, patented technology has proved really useful for finding copied computer code in court, and I've always wanted to apply the technology to general documents like articles, papers, and novels," said Bob Zeidman, president and founder of SAFE Corporation and developer of the algorithms. "We had a few cases where we took our matching algorithms and used them to compare written engineering specifications. The results were very useful. In one case, finding copied but modified software specifications gave us the clue to show how one company copied another's software. So we spent some time to package the algorithms into software products targeted specifically for this use."

DocMatch can be licensed as the full version or the LT version. The full version is the professional tool. It creates a database containing matching elements between two sets of documents. The full version can automatically search the Internet for all references to commonly used words and filter them from the database. Also, sophisticated statistics can be extracted from the database. The full version costs $150 for a one-year license. The LT version produces an easy-to-read HTML report showing words, sentences, and paragraphs that are identical or similar in every pair of documents. The LT version costs $30 for a one-year license. DocMatch can be downloaded from the SAFE website.

About SAFE Corporation

SAFE Corporation is the leading provider of forensic analysis tools for discovering IP theft. Its flagship product CodeSuite has been used in numerous trials involving copyright infringement and trade secret theft. For more information, email or call (408) 517-1167.


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